Hummustown Cares About Safety

During these challenging times, we all need to play a part in practicing prudent health and safety both in our personal and professional lives. Hummustown is no different and I wanted to share with you our COVID-safe practices that we employ at our kitchen daily. 

Each day at 8:00 AM the Hummustown kitchen opens. Before commencing work, all staff members change into freshly laundered apparel, don industrial-grade face masks, hair caps and gloves at all times of the workday. This applies to cooks, prep staff, admin staff and delivery staff when entering the kitchen premises. Then, with no exception, and before any work can commence, all surfaces are with commercial-grade and HCCP approved detergents. 

During the workday, at predetermined intervals, the cooking surfaces and appliances are kept clean. 

As of Monday, November 23, Hummustown has voluntarily mandated a maximum of 3 people in the kitchen at any time. 

Before the end of the business day and after the last order is processed, kitchen staff clean and disinfect the kitchen. 

Every Monday at 19:00 a professional undertakes a deep, COVID-specific sanitization. 

Moreover, Hummustown has designed a contact-tracing system that accounts for the whereabouts of all staff, especially the delivery team, at any time of the day. Should a staff member come in contact with a person who has tested positive for the novel Coronavirus, Hummustown can quickly and efficiently assist healthcare authorities to trace back the trajectory of exposure. 

Finally, all staff members have to certify on a daily basis that they have not knowingly come into contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, or who are experiencing flu-like symptoms are requested to undertake a PCR swab and self-isolate for fourteen days, even if the swab result is negative. 

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